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The future of law: How AI is transforming the legal profession

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

OPIIA - AI with legal profession

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, legal professionals are becoming more and more curious about the potential benefits it can offer.

While the Industrial Revolution of the past automated physical labour, the current AI-powered revolution is automating mental tasks, affecting white-collar jobs that were previously thought to be safe from automation.

There is no doubt that AI is significantly impacting the legal profession, with its ability to conduct legal research, review contracts, find relevant documents, predict legal outcomes, and even recommend judicial decisions about sentencing or bail. An excellent example of an AI tool created expressly for legal work is Harvey AI, which has already demonstrated promising outcomes.

While AI has a role to play in the legal system, its limitations must also be considered. Although AI can increase productivity, avoid costly mistakes and facilitate speedy decision-making, most tools are still in development. Simply put, AI technology is not advanced enough to replace human judgment in the legal profession. There is the possibility of embedded bias in the data that feeds AI tools as well as the challenge of understanding the rationale that drives AI-generated responses. These hurdles must be addressed and corrected before AI can be

used in certain legal contexts.

In addition to technical limitations, legal professionals should also consider ethical concerns while using AI. The ethical requirements of a lawyer will always take priority over convenience. There are many ethical considerations in using AI to argue cases and issues of security, client privacy and privilege can arise through the transmission of data between the firm and AI servers.

Embracing technology responsibly in law Firms

Challenges aside, adopting AI technology responsibly can positively affect a law firm’s business

performance. Adopting AI tools can streamline routine legal tasks, save time and help lawyers to

imprint their expertise on tasks that matter most.

AI is already being used to review contracts faster and more accurately than humans with companies

like Lawgeex providing this service. CS Disco offers AI-powered discovery services to law firms

across the United States.

AI is also widely used in conducting legal research, with AI-powered features to gain further insights.

AI-generated content is another way that AI is reshaping the legal profession.

An important factor to consider when implementing AI in law firms is the requirement for clear

communication with clients. When working with AI tools, clients should be informed of how their data

will be handled and secured. It is also critical to educate clients about the limitations of AI and the

importance of human judgment in legal decision-making. Law firms can foster trust with their clients

and create a more favourable experience for all parties involved by promoting transparency and

straightforward communication.

While AI has the potential to alter the legal profession, it is critical to approach its adoption with

caution. Lawyers and legal professionals must develop new skill

sets to properly use these technologies

sets. Law schools are already realizing the need for AI literacy, with some offering courses on legal

technology and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, continuing education programs and professional

development opportunities can assist legal practitioners in staying current on the latest AI

technologies and methodologies.

It’s uncertain what role AI will play for the legal profession in the future. While it’s unlikely to replace

lawyers, it may have a place in routine legal tasks. Lawyers must be cautious about using AI and

ensure they meet ethical obligations and protect client interests.

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